Awesome first week for the #IMMOOC crew! Lots of great blog posts from participants, an awesome talk with Jo Boaler, and the Twitter chat was flying. It was awesome to see so many new faces to the group that were blogging for the first time.
In the spirit of keeping this short, here is the information for the week.
We look forward to welcoming Alice Keeler this week, co-author of the book, “Ditch That Homework“, as well as many other books. The livestream will happen below on Wednesday, October 4, at 7pm EST (4PM PST).
Please feel free to join us live to participate and ask questions live with Alice.
Here are the assignments for this week:
- Read Part 1 of “The Innovator’s Mindset” (Chapters 1-3)
- Comment on 3 other people’s blog posts and share them on Twitter to the #IMMOOC hashtag.
- Blog on any of the following prompts (or your own) and put #IMMOOC in the title so that it can be easily found on the hashtag. You can also post the link to this Facebook status update. You are not limited to writing on your blog. You are more than welcome to answer the questions through any type of media but I suggest posting the content in your blog somehow:
- How can you create opportunities for innovation in your leadership? In your teaching? In your learning?
- If you were to start a school from scratch, what would it look like?
- Take one of the “Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset” and write an example of how you exemplify it in your own work.
- The #IMMOOC Twitter chat will happen at 9pm EST on Thursday, October 5, hosted by Tara Martin, Katie Martin, and Annick Rauch.
I hope you have a great week! Thanks for participating in this experience.